Executive Director Grace Strangis heads to Kolkata, India in late December with volunteers from St. John Vianney Seminary and University of Minnesota School of Public Health. She would like to bring with them donated new or slightly used medical and school supplies for the Jan Seva School and Clinics and Orphanage. The list of items… MORE »
Author Archives: Ginny Halloran
Cristo Rey Students in Bogota
Our final day in Colombia DECEMBER 4, 2017 / LEAVE A COMMENT Ms. Martinez: We spent the last day having so much fun together, with the quiet thought of goodbyes still far off in the wind. Students exchanged gifts and sang songs, and played games, and did a final “rap de la bendicion” to say grace over… MORE »

Zemene’s School is Completed!
The construction of the four classroom school in Belessa, Ethiopia is completed! It was furnished with school desks and blackboards and handed over to the local community education office this week. Despite lack of water, civil strife, and great logistical issues, the local American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) succeeded in the endeavor to… MORE »
Pathways & UMNSPH Domestic Violence Workshop
Awareness workshop report 8.1.17MORE »
2016 Annual Report
See what Pathways has been up to by reading the 2016 annual report. Pathways 2016 Annual ReportMORE »

Saraswati Puja celebration
Pictures from the ‘Saraswati Puja’ celebration at Pathways Jan Seva school in Kolkata on February 1st. This Hindu festival is devoted to the Goddess of education, Mother Saraswati. This festival is also called ‘Vasant Panchami’ since it is celebrated during the spring season or ‘Vasant Ritu’. A scrumptious lunch of hot Khichhidi (rice and lentils… MORE »

St. John Vianney Seminarians trip to Kolkata
December 31st – St. John Vianney seminarians, Father Borello and traveling companions at Twin Cities airport preparing to leave to Kolkata to work with Mother Teresa’s Sisters and to work in Pathways Jan Seva School and Clinics & picture of them in Kolkata. Below are some of the blogs written by the seminarians during their trip… MORE »

Pathways Holiday Letter
Dear Pathways Supporters: Thank you! Because of all the caring friends like you, Pathways to Children is providing education and health care to hundreds of children living in extreme poverty as well as providing “life changing” volunteer experiences to students. Pathways to Children had many positive developments and achievements in 2016. Collaboration with the University… MORE »
Diwali Celebration – 2016
Diwali is the five-day Festival of Lights and is one of the most significant festivals in the Indian culture. On October 28th, staff & students of Jan Seva school in Kolkata celebrated. They celebrated with different types of firecrackers emanating light and sparkle, which was viewed and enjoyed by all! The children were delirious with joy,… MORE »

Bogota Students Arrive in Minneapolis
Day 1 – July 3rd The 17 students from Bogota, Colombia arrived in Minneapolis the afternoon of July 3rd. While at their connecting flight destination in Houston, they got their first experience to pay with dollars for something to eat. Though having been prepped on the exchange rates, they were still surprised how many… MORE »