This trip has been an incredible journey. It has been full of emotion through going to the leper colony, the orphanage, Jan Seva school, and experiencing the vibrant culture of India. It has brought us all closer together through the ups and downs. Working with the kids brought joy and smiles. However, we wished we could do more for the many impoverished begging on the streets. We have had an amazing time, but we are all ready to come home (just not excited for the snow)!
See you soon!
Abby and Soniya
Now, we must close our suitcases. It’s time to go.
This blog describes only a small fraction of what we experienced. To be sure, it represents the most memorable moments. But we have had countless adventures, encounters, conversations and good fun.
During our time in India we took advanced courses on culture, religion, elementary education, special education, sociology, philosophy, geography, history, language, political science, math, currency exchange, psychology, demographics, time management and crisis management. There were pop quizzes every day. It was quite an education.
As we worked to get ready for this trip, it was just a dream. Now, it is more of a dream than ever. We met real people and they allowed us to enter their very real lives. We lived in the hearts of the Indian people, and they will always live in ours.
With the final packing of our suitcases we have realized that more than clothes will come home with us from this trip. We will take love, joy, faith, culture, trust, inspiration, wisdom, community, selflessness and the memories of our adventures together.
Today was our last day at the school. We were all very sad to part from our children. On this bitter sweet occasion we were able to leave our children with a token of our appreciation with a small talent show. Our show opened with a magic show presented by Katherine, Soniya, and Gracey; following their presentation we had a vocal/ ukelele solo by Bella. Nearing the end our show was a full group performance as we sang and danced to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Head Solders Knees and Toes (in Bengali), and last but not least we had a step routine lead by Sam, and she closed out the show with a solo step routine.
Hey this Francis! today was pretty good. After I said my goodbyes to the sassy girl in my class room and the event coordinator of Jan Seva, Sarita, we had Dominos for lunch and headed off to market. The market place was a pretty new experience. There was so much chaos, smells, and shouting. The places that i visited were very hospitable and helpful in sales, however they wont stop trying to sell to you until you leave the store. It was a pretty good experience overall but the bartering was something i just couldn’t do; Minnesota nice.
Sincerely the twins.
Today started with the normal routine with us heading straight to Jan Seva school. We either went to our classrooms or those who were doing the lice removal, we began setting up for the day. In the classrooms, we helped with breakfast and then continued to play and interact with the children. During breakfast, Puja (a little girl in creche #3) would not finish her breakfast unless Bella helped her. Putting a big smile on Bella’s face still now as we write this.
The lice removal went great. We are extending our removal into tomorrow. We not only removed quite a bit of lice from the students, but we also began to instruct the mothers and teachers on how they can remove lice. It was very fulfilling, but also very humbling to be able to do this service for them, since they do so much for us. It was amazing to see that this was something sustainable that will create opportunities in the future.
We also went to a rural village and explored the community. We visited a house of a family that is receiving monetary assistance from a family in MN. We toured the family home, which was a small room that consisted of a bed and four chairs. The entire village was so welcoming and ended up following us all out to the bus to say goodbye. It was a completely different experience than the city. Also, we saw an alligator and drank coconut water. Yum!
#11 and #12 signing off (Bella and Katharine)
The mothers of the Jan Seva students wait outside the school for the end of the school day.
Albert assembled a water filter to reduce the iron levels in the family’s drinking water.
This fine Tuesday morning started with breakfast at 6:45 followed by a tour of the vegetable and flower market. However, the flower market was not truly a flower market. As explained by Anup, our tour guide, it is a religious market which sells not only flowers but also such items as basil, lime, chili and other herbs and spices. Following the market, we visited the Ganges River where many Indians come to bathe. We had our second day at Jan Seva school where we were treated to a performance from our little ones, specifically the best class…creche #6. After the program, we went back to our classrooms, where we colored on our learning mats and played a symphony of various instruments. After Jan Seva we played some UNO and then left for the SICW Orphanage. At SICW, we participated in song therapy with the kids and learned new verses of Wheels on the Bus. We all enjoyed holding the babies (except Ian, who was not allowed to hold any babies because his technique was flawed). The remainder of the group played with the older children with disabilities during this time.
Now it’s time to eat.
Lotts (and Nelson?) of love,
Ian and Kristin
Listening to Anup talk about all the fascinating things in the flower market.
The group by the Ganges River and the Howrah Bridge.
The children from Creche class #6 performing.
Hard at work writing their blog post.
At the SICW Orphanage.
MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014
Today was the first day that we visited Jan Seva school. We were welcomed by the kids and staff, and then participated with them in their morning prayer. We then took a tour around the school and then separated into smaller groups to work one-on-one with the classes. The kids are really energetic and we had a blast. Later in the afternoon, we visited Mother Teresa’s Mother House and got to talk to Sister Gertrude, who was very welcoming. After, we went to the pottery market and looked at all sorts of statues for worship. We are so excited to continue working with the kids and exploring more of Kolkata!
Hannah and Natasha
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2014
Today we got an early start with 6:00am mass at Mother Theresa’s. After mass we visited Mother’s tomb and then headed over to her Home for the Dying. Next up we went to the Jain Temple, a building designed after a music box and contained the eternal light which has been burning for over 100 years. Our next adventure was the Queen Victoria Memorial Hall and gardens which were beautiful and provided an example of the British influence in Kolkata. The end of this journey just makes us exited for the next, which will be tomorrow’s blog.
One love,
Francisco, Samantha and Gracey
Photos from Sunday, March 30th
Sampling a variety of Indian cuisine at Flavors of India restaurant.
Our transportation throughout our visit in Kolkata.
After early Mass at Mother Teresa’s Mother House for the Missionaries of Charity on Sunday morning, we were able to visit the tomb of Mother Teresa and say some prayers of thanks for all she has done to help the poorest of the poor.
Enjoying some tea while learning the history and the operation of the Leper Colony.
Visiting the residents at The Ghandiji Prem Navas Leprosy Center, which is Mother Teresa’s Leper Colony.
Sightseeing and more today! The morning started with Mass at Mother Teresa’s and then onto her Home for the Dying. Pizza lunch and then onto the Victoria Memorial and Jain Temple.
We landed today! Everyone is safe and sound and just a little bit tired. We hit the ground running, landing at 5:10 and heading for breakfast straight away. We ate at the Swiss Hotel (which was delicious) and started our day by visiting Mother Theresa’s Leper Colony. The compound was really beautiful, with gardens and farm animals galore. We got to visit the school within the colony, and the children there were very enthusiastic. After visiting we stopped for a short lunch and then drove to the Mission House where we will be staying throughout the trip. We ended the day with group session and dinner and everyone headed to bed pretty quickly after that. We are really looking forward to another exciting day tomorrow, and are especially excited for mass at the Missionaries of Charity’s Mother House!
Thanks for reading!
Adhina, Connal, and Emily
FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014
It’s been a really busy day and we have just arrived back at the Guest House for the night. We will be posting photos and a review of the day by some of the students soon!